Another cat series created by Akaa. The story invites you into the enchanting world of a cat residing in a traditional Chinese medicine shop in Hong Kong, that is about to close. One of the central themes of this zine is the exploration of identity in the intersection between the modern world and tradition. While the Chinese medicine store is going away, the cat navigate their roles within the shop, the city and interact with the diverse array of customers.
Reflecting artist's dual identity, the story book came in bilingual.
Akaa 阿卡 (Pronounce: ā kǎ) is a illustration artist based in SF. She is proudly create small productions of culturally rooted objects imbued with the her asian heritage.
The products include prints, stickers, pins, plushies, tote bags, story books and zines. The illustrations are exploring the connection between food and culture. As a person from Asian diaspora, Akaa's creation are rooted her cultural identity, exploring who she is in this new home.